July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and no wonder! With the summer sun out in full force, it’s now more important than ever to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.
When we think of fall accessories, the first things that come to mind are warm sweaters, plush scarves, or a snug pair of boots.
If you don’t see well while driving at night, there’s a chance you have night blindness. Night blindness, or nyctalopia, is the inability to see well at night or in dim lighting.
Have you noticed that your eyes feel chronically dry, itchy, scratchy or even sometimes watery? Many people that have these symptoms just go on with their lives until the symptoms become unbearable.
Sure, sunglasses might add the final touches to your chic ensemble, but the real reason to purchase your shades is to protect your eyes from the sun.
The New Year is coming and many people include healthier eating and exercise in their resolutions for the year ahead.
On August 21st, for the first time since 1979, a solar eclipse will be visible across North America.
Blue light. Do you know what it is? Do you know where it comes from, or how it can be harmful to your eyes?
An ocular migraine is any migraine headache that involves a visual disturbance such as flashes of light, seeing stars or zigzags or the appearance of blind spots in the visual field.
While most people have sunglasses high on their packing list for a tropical vacation, many people don’t consider it as much of a priority for colder climate getaways.